The seven rays of the qbl pdf
The seven rays of the qbl pdf

Subba Row regarded the seven rays as the seven primordial forms of energy/forces that come from the Logos and stated that everything in the universe is formed by a combination of these rays: It was simply to show that the group of his disciples and followers attracted to Him belonged to the same Dhyani Buddha, “Star,” or “Father,” again of the same planetary realm and division as He did. When He is made to say, elsewhere (20:17): “I ascend to my Father and your Father,” it meant that which has just been stated. This was known to every high Initiate in every age and in every country: “I and my Father are one,” said Jesus (John 10:30). The “triads” born under the same Parent-planet, or rather the radiations of one and the same Planetary Spirit (Dhyani Buddha) are, in all their after lives and rebirths, sisters, or “twin-souls,” on this Earth. It is for this reason that human beings can be "divided into seven distinct groups", belonging to one of these seven rays: Further, as each of these Hierarchies is the Ruler of one of the Sacred Planets, it will easily be understood how Astrology came into existence. Each Hierarchy furnishes the Aura of one of the seven principles in man with its specific color. The seven prismatic colors are direct emanations from the Seven Hierarchies of Being, each of which has a direct bearing upon and relation to one of the human principles, since each of these Hierarchies is, in fact, the creator and source of the corresponding human principle. These seven hierarchies are the "nursery and fountainhead of human beings" because they provide him with his seven Principles: That group of celestial Beings who are universally called the seven Primeval Gods or Angels-our Dhyâni-Chohans-the “Seven Primeval Rays” or Powers, adopted later on by the Christian Religion as the “Seven Angels of the Presence” Arupa, formless, at the upper rung of the ladder of Being, materializing more and more as they descend in the scale of objectivity and form, ending in the grossest and most imperfect of the Hierarchy, man-it is the former purely spiritual group that is pointed out to us, in our Occult teaching, as the nursery and fountainhead of human beings. Everything, therefore, is in these seven rays.

the seven rays of the qbl pdf

It is only after the differentiation of the seven rays and after the seven forces of nature have taken them in hand and worked upon them, that they become cornerstones, or rejected pieces of clay.

the seven rays of the qbl pdf

Some have been and some will only now become human beings. They are the primordial seven rays from which will emanate in their turn all the other luminous and non-luminous lives, whether Archangels, Devils, men or apes.

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Thence will proceed the innumerable series of Hierarchies.

the seven rays of the qbl pdf

These Seven Rays are the origin of the seven Principles in Nature and of every being in the universe, human and non-human, celestial and terrestrial:įrom this manifested Logos will proceed the Seven Rays, which in the Zohar are called the lower Sephiroth and in Eastern occultism the primordial seven rays. This color will be the characteristic color of that Hierarchy as a whole. Thus, as the seven colors of the solar spectrum correspond to the seven Rays, or Hierarchies, so each of these latter has again its seven divisions corresponding to the same series of colors.īut in this case one color, viz: that which characterizes the particular Hierarchy as a whole, is predominant and more intense than the others. Each of the Primordial Seven, the first Seven Rays forming the Manifested Logos, is again sevenfold.

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Representation of the Seven Rays, each containing seven sub-rays. However, each one of them contains all the other colors within, which are modified by the dominating color of the particular Ray: Įach one of these Rays can be identified with one of the seven prismatic colors. The Ah-hi are the highest Dhyanis, the Logoi as just said, those who begin the downward evolution, or emanation. Blavatsky identifies the "first seven rays" with the primeval celestial beings variously called Primordial Seven, Dhyāni-Buddhas, Ah-hi or Logoi: The Ah-hi are the primordial seven rays, or Logoi, emanated from the first Logos, triple, yet one in its essence. Space and Time are nameless, for they are the incognizable THAT, which can be sensed only through its seven rays-which are the Seven Creations, the Seven Worlds, the Seven Laws,” etc., etc., etc. Blavatsky quotes a "verse from the Esoteric volumes" as follows:

The seven rays of the qbl pdf